Our factories

The production of the cut stones takes place in GemMatrix’s factories located in Chantaburi, Bangkok and Isan province, Thailand.
The most important stage of the processing of rough sapphires – heat treatment – is a closely-guarded secret of a select few specialists in this field.
Sapphires offered by GemMatrix are the result of years of experience and experimenting with different methods of heat treatmenting the sapphires using various types of equipment.

This results in smooth, blue-faceted stones which retain their original luster, while at the same time showing evidence of fine craftsmanship. One of the factories specializes in faceting and polishing emeralds, which requires specialist skills and knowledge to achieve a perfect finish.
At the same time, the wide-ranging skills of our labor force at different factories, with professional cutters in various fields, allow Gemmatrix to produce all existing standard shapes and sizes of faceted sapphires, rubies and emeralds, ranging from small sizes such as 1.00mm round and marquise 4x2mm, up to calibrated stones weighing 5 carats, with optimal production costs.